Wednesday, 19 October 2011

How to use CB?

Here is a simple guidance about how to use CHAHAYA BEAUTY!


  1. Foam up the soap with few drops of water. Apply on face and neck
  2. Leave for few minutes for the foam to be absorb into the skin
  3. Wash as usual
  4. Apply toner on the face using facial cotton
  5. Apply cream. Do not forget the neck! Slightly tab on the face for faster penetration.

This is as simple as that. Oh! Follow the following tips for better result! :)
  • For new customer, do the process TWICE a day (morning and night).
  • After a month of usage (if there is a noticeable skin condition - getting better), customer may use the product only once per day. However, customer may continue applying it twice a day if necessary. 

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